Crazy Faces (Songs For Snod (2012-2019))
Sometime ago, my friend David Quantick sent me a book of short stories, urging me to read the one called Snodgrass by Ian R Mcleod. Alternative histories don’t tend to interest me too much but Snodgrass made me laugh out loud. I filed it alongside National Lampoon’s ‘Tragical Misery Tour’ in my internal Non-Beatle Beatle things that are very funny folder.
Fast forward to 2012 and I’m ten years adrift, earning no money and unable to finish anything. I’ve cut myself off from social media and, with two very young children, sleeping even less than usual. DQ sends me an email asking me to write the music for a tv adaptation of Snodgrass. Yeah! I say. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
I meet the producer, Mike, and the three of us have long and boozy conversations about script and music and The Beatles. I set up a slapback delay and every morning I go into the studio and pretend I’m a middle-aged man who threw it all away. Turns out there was no pretense necessary.
Later, I catch the red-eye up to Manchester to meet up with the director David Blair, the director, Ian R McLeod, Mike and DQ, and Ian Hart, who is playing Lennon for the third time. There follows a lot of drinking and laughing.
The film is shown on Sky Arts and that is that.
Since then there has been talk of a feature film. Songs and scripts have been written, actors auditioned, and money chased but it looks like it’s not going to happen.
These are not the versions used in the film, I don’t think I own those. These are the demos, they crackle and pop but I think they sound pretty good.
The cover is a photograph I took during the filming, somewhere in Manchester, 2012.
I hope you enjoy this album x
Full Track List
One Fine Day (02:18)
Crazy Faces (02:30)
I’m Alright (02:29)
Cal (02:50)
Easy Come, Easy Go (01:02)
World In Action (04:21)
The Years Roll Down My Face (02:40)
Jack Jones (03:21)
Only You Can See Me (03:50)
Land of the Living (04:24)
Snodgrass (02:10)
The Years Roll Down My Face (Easy Come, Easy Go) Reprise (01:01)
Your Body (03:49)
Released March 5, 2022
All songs by Martin Carr, © all rights reserved
Buy the Digital Album from Bandcamp
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